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Welcome to GAAPShare!

GAAPShare is a closed community of technical accounting professionals with a mission to facilitate the sharing of technical accounting knowledge and documentation.

We likely all have been in the situation where we’ve been tasked with researching a technical accounting issue, and either don’t know where to start or get lost in the labyrinth of the accounting standards codification and Big 4 accounting guides. While these resources are crucial for understanding the applicable GAAP, we are still left with the challenging task of applying the guidance to our real-world situation and documenting our considerations in the form of a memo that can be shared with our auditors. GAAPShare allows its members to browse through technical accounting memos, accounting policies, templates, and other documents prepared by other accounting professionals. Use these as a starting point for your own documentation, or simply as another resource to better understand how other companies are thinking through and applying GAAP. GAAPShare also offers a forum where members can share ideas, ask questions, or simply connect with other members. Dive in and explore all that GAAPShare has to offer!

Initial membership to GAAPShare requires the submission of 3 documents that will be shared with the community. GAAPShare may charge a subscription fee in the future.

Application Form

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